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Dr. 莉莉娅·Santiague currently serves as the 副院长 of Program for Doctoral 教育 with the College of Doctoral Studies at University of Phoenix. 在她的角色中, 她和学生一起工作, 教师, staff and assists in program oversight (curriculum development, 教师 development and management, 学生评估, 等.).

Dr. Santiague has worked in higher education for more than 20 years in the roles of academic advisor, 学生组织顾问, 大学辅导员, 教师, 研究员, 顾问及管理人.  

I enjoy working with students and 教师 and see my role as servant leader, 幸运的支持和引导.


I enjoy working with students and 教师 and see my role as servant leader, 幸运的支持和引导.

In addition to her roles in teaching and administration, Dr. Santiague has conducted research on the student college experience (undergraduate and graduate). 她与人合作写了这本书, “Standing on the Outside Looking In,作为一名作家和编辑, as well as co-authored a chapter in the book, 《论成为学者.“同样的, she has presented on the college experiences of Haitian college students and minority graduate student college access.  Dr. Santiague continues to engage in research as well as serving students and 教师 in higher education.

Dr. Santiague earned a PhD in Higher 教育 Administration with a certificate in Institutional 研究 from Indiana University-Bloomington. She also holds a Master of 教育 in Student Personnel and Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Florida.

I enjoy working with students and 教师 and see my role as servant leader, 幸运的支持和引导.


I enjoy working with students and 教师 and see my role as servant leader, 幸运的支持和引导.


  • 大学生经历
  • 教师教育 


  • 柄,M.K., & Santiague L. (2021). Classroom management needs of novice teachers.  The Clearing House: A Journal of 教育al Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 95, 26-34,doi:10.1080/00098655.2021.2010636. 
  •  Ng,.纳尔逊,F,桑提亚格,L., & 大厅,C. (2018年夏季).  Exploring the perceptions of health care leaders: Colorectal cancer screening barriers among Chinese Canadian women.  民族志杂志 & 定性研究(JEQR).  
  • Kebritchi, M.李普舒茨,A., & Santiague L. 3月(2017).  Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education institutions:  A literature review.  Journal of 教育al Technology systems. 
  • 霍华德·汉密尔顿,M.F.莫雷伦,C.L.温克尔·瓦格纳,R.约翰逊,S.D., & Santiague L. (2009) (Eds.).  Standing on the outside looking in:  Underrepresented students’ experiences in advanced degree programs.  Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
  • Winkle-Wagner R.约翰逊,S.D.Morelon-Quainoo, C., & Santiague L.  (2010). A sense of belonging: Socialization factors that influence the transitions of students of color into advanced-degree programs. 在年代.K. 加德纳 & P. 门多萨(Eds.), 论成为一名学者 (pp. 179 – 202).  Sterling, VA:  Stylus Publishing, LLC. 


  • Post Master’s Certificate in Institutional 研究 


  • Editorial Board for the Qualitative Report